Men, let's be honest ... Do looks matter? (featured on the most popular online Dating Blog) 🧬
After seeing many people blame their lack of results in Online Dating on their circumstances, ethnicity or looks multiple times, I’ve decided to create this post.
Online Dating is an art in itself, but once mastered, totally worth it.
Yes looks do matter, a lot and I’m not even going to deny that.
Also good (or even average) looking white guys have an edge, but that shouldn’t be an excuse.
Others just have it harder and need to put in more work to get any desirable results.
At the end it’s all based on psychological principles and you gotta learn how to make women feel emotions with your profile (and over text).
I’ve been told many times that as a black dude in a white country like Germany ( one of the hardest places for Online Dating) I would never get any success, but I didn’t want to accept that.
it’s still very racist and judgemental here and you wouldn’t believe the things that happen to me on a weekly basis.
However, change what you can, accept what you can’t, but never let external factors be an excuse.
Before I hear the common phrase: “But for you it’s easy to say, you’re good looking“..
I’m not genetically gifted in any way, I work out extremely hard in the gym 6 times per week for 2-3 hours.
Leaving my personal journey here as a motivation for guys who think they can’t get results because of how they look:
„If you can’t change the cards you’re dealt with, change how you play your hand.“
Also here’s an article I wrote for the most popular Blog about Online Dating, to help avoid some of the biggest mistakes you could make on your profile:
Now I don’t want to hear any excuses anymore.
Go become the best version of yourself and build the most attractive Online Dating Profile mankind has ever seen!