Discover how to unleash your strongest weapon in Online Dating ⚡⁣

Discover Online Dating
When it comes to Online Dating, humor is the strongest weapon in your arsenal.⁣
By reading and answering your comments and questions, I got the feeling that it still hasn’t become clear how to properly use humor to your advantage in the bio.⁣
So this post will be all about that. ⁣
I can already hear some of you asking:⁣
„But why do I even need to add humor? ⁣
I don’t want to be seen as a friendly version of Pennywise because that’s not Alpha that’s Omega!!!11“ 🤡
I can promise you, it won’t happen at all. ⁣
Actually, the opposite is true. ⁣
You’ll be perceived as much more attractive by women. ⁣
As long as you do it properly.⁣
There’s a couple of techniques you can use to show humor in your bio, but today I’ll focus on just one.⁣
So without further ado, let’s jump right into it.⁣
𝗧𝘂𝗿𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘄𝗲𝗮𝗸𝗻𝗲𝘀𝘀 𝗶𝗻𝘁𝗼 𝘀𝘁𝗿𝗲𝗻𝗴𝘁𝗵⁣
So what do I mean by that? ⁣
I want you to use self deprecating humor, the in my opinion most effective way. ⁣
Doing so, you basically hit three birds with one stone, like a real stone master. 🐦
That’s because it subcommunicates some very important things:⁣
● You’re making fun of yourself, therefore you must be confident. People who aren’t, wouldn’t bring up their weaknesses.⁣
● You’re making her laugh and show her part of your personality in an emotional instead of a logical way.⁣
● You’re different than 99% of the male population in Online Dating, since your bio isn’t just a list of things you like or dislike.⁣
On top of that you’ll develop a more positive mindset, as you realize that your weaknesses aren’t as bad as you might have thought.⁣
„I get it Sandric, those sound amazing on paper, but how do I actually apply this in my own bio?“⁣
„Worry not my young padawan, I always got your back.“⁣
Let’s assume that one of your weaknesses is cooking.⁣
And you’re also not as fit as the God of thunder himself, the almighty Thor aka Chris Hemsworth.⁣
Of course I’m not referring to the scene in Avengers Endgame, where he looks like he just devoured dinner for an entire army.⁣
Yes, I’m a HUGE Marvel’s Superhero Nerd. 🤓
Anyway, back to the topic. ⁣
You could say something like:⁣
„I’m a great cook, as long as you love frozen pizza.“⁣
Or ⁣
„I’m extremely athletic, I regularly take part in Ben&Jerrys marathons.“⁣
See how both sentences aren’t logical, but emotional?⁣
Of course, those are just examples and you’ll have to come up with lines for your own, personal weaknesses.⁣
But I hope that the principles behind it are much clearer for you now. ⁣
In my next post I’ll show you how to immediately capture a woman’s attention with your bio. ⁣
We’ll achieve that by making use of signal words and plot twists, so stay tuned!⁣
If you feel this is something you still need help with and you want to take your profile including the pictures to the next level, don’t hesitate to contact me.⁣
We’ll have a quick chat and see if what I do can be helpful in your particular situation.⁣
Cheers, ⁣

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