Breakdown of my own High Value Tinder Profile 🔥⁣

Since a lot of men asked me lately how my Tinder profile looks, I decided to break it down. ⁣
Feel free to take it as an example for your own. ⁣
Picture 1 and 2 were taken with a professional DSLR, the rest are pictures taken with a phone by my mum or friends. ⁣
As a first picture I always recommend you guys to use a „Money Shot“, that means a portrait where women go „Wooow, I NEED to meet this guy“ when they see it. ⁣
The attention span of women on Online Dating apps is extremely low, which is why this is the most important thing. ⁣
On that portrait only your face up to your torso should be shown, nothing else. ⁣
So if you’re not a fan of leg day like myself, you’re in luck. 😉
Your face and eyes need to be visible, without anything covering it. ⁣
Also make sure to either authentically smile into the camera or look away with a determined James Bond expression. ⁣
For the rest of the pictures, show your passions, your hobbies, pictures with friends and your lifestyle in general. ⁣
That can be everything: from reading a book, playing an instrument like guitar, piano or drums over any kind of sports like football, basketball, surfing, snowboarding up to Yoga, meditation or traveling. ⁣
The important thing is, that it’s authentic and what YOU are passionate about. ⁣
Women seeing your profile need to be able to imagine how hanging out with you would be, as well as get a grasp of your personality. ⁣
For Lifestyle pictures the quality doesn’t need to be perfect, I mean who has someone following them around 24/7 with a camera? 😜
The quality of phone cameras nowadays is pretty good anyway. ⁣
If you want to show off your physique, also to filter a bit, do it in a scenario where it’s natural to be shirtless. ⁣
That can for example be while playing beach volleyball, surfing or in an outdoor gym. ⁣
Now what’s proven very effective for Online Dating has been pictures with a cute animal like a dog or cat. ⁣
This kind of picture subcommunicates, that you are responsible and makes you seem way more trustworthy. ⁣
When it comes to pictures with women, I would usually advise against them. ⁣
You should only use them, if it’s 💯 clear that the woman seen in your picture is just a good friend. ⁣
Otherwise women are going to assume that she’s your ex or girlfriend and it’s going to hurt your results big time. ⁣
Before using my picture, I asked women I found attractive on the street what they thought about it. ⁣
Every single woman said that she looks like a good friend and the picture has a laid back, natural, sympathetic and fun vibe.⁣
Best case scenario would always be a group of mixed people, men and women, where you are the focal point. ⁣
What do I mean by that? ⁣
I mean, that you should seem like the leader of the group, this could be accomplished by you telling an amazing story and everyone listening to you. ⁣
And to answer some questions before they come up, no I’m not going snowboarding every month or hang out with my dog at an awesome lake. ⁣
But if you do these things occasionally, that’s already enough to show them on your profile. ⁣
Next time you’re out there living life, just take some pictures of whatever activity it is that you’re doing.⁣
This will give your profile more character, depth and allow women who see your profile, to imagine how you are as a person.⁣
I hope you think this post is valuable.⁣
I thought it was about time to cover this topic, because I have been asked about my profile countless times. ⁣
Cheers, ⁣Sandric