Why Every Man Needs to Embrace the Playboy Lifestyle Before Committing to a Relationship 🌹 (at least for a while)

Most men rush into monogamous relationships without first building a wealth of sexual experiences.


Men who enter relationships from a place of scarcity will ALWAYS struggle to keep their woman “invested.”


Because your self-worth becomes far too dependent on her.

She becomes your only source of affection, and you know that if you lose her… suddenly, you’ll have no affection at all.

And so, you put up with a lot of crap just to avoid losing her.

She senses this weakness (whether consciously or subconsciously) and will use it as leverage against you.

I know men who have been cheated on by their girlfriends and forgiven them, simply because they’re too afraid of being alone.

When you reach that point, your girlfriend has lost all respect for you. And deep down, you’ve lost respect for yourself too.

However, if you cultivate a sense of sexual abundance, you’ll automatically stop being needy, desperate, or overly eager.

You can never truly be yourself in a relationship until you’re 100% certain that your happiness and self-worth don’t depend on the sexual affection of one single person.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying you should remain a perpetual bachelor.

I’m currently in a relationship myself with my girlfriend and have been in a 3 years relationship a while ago.

But I know that I don’t NEED her. I CHOSE her and that makes all the difference.

If she were to leave me tomorrow, it would make me sad.

But I have the skills and competence to attract other women of the same caliber into my life. And she knows that.

That’s why our relationship is far healthier and more fulfilling than most relationships these days, which are doomed from the start.

My competence comes from sexual abundance.

As a man, your loyalty and exclusivity are only truly valuable if you have the ability to sleep with many women but CHOOSE not to.

If she knows you can’t replace her, she’ll eventually lose attraction to you, because she knows she’s your only option.

Women are naturally drawn to men that other women desire. They can’t help it, it’s hardwired into their DNA.

When you have options, you subconsciously exude those signals, and women find you incredibly attractive.

The only way to truly internalize this abundance is by sleeping with multiple women.

It might sound primitive, but if you want to ingrain the mindset of abundance deep within yourself, your brain needs proof, not promises.

Sexual abundance is the ultimate key to romantic freedom.

✅ You’ll always have options and the ability to say no

✅ You’ll never radiate neediness again

✅ You won’t waste time on women who just want to play games

If you’re ready to join the ranks of men enjoying true sexual abundance, let’s talk.

On our free call, we’ll uncover where you stand right now, define your personal goals, and identify exactly what’s holding you back from achieving them.

See you on the other side.



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