Success Story – From Tryhard and Frustrated to High Status Asian Business Man aka Shang-Chi 😏

Jeff’s profile before joining our Dating Superhero Transformation: Looking low value & tryhard
Jeff’s profile after our Dating Superhero Transformation: Now he sub communicates multiple things:

Fun, confident carefree, ambitious, successful, high value determined.

If you hang out with me you’re going to have a blast.
Jeff stopped using other dating apps than Hinge because his week was already booked full of dates just from Hinge alone. A good problem to have
I love how Jeff constantly posted wins in our Dating Superheroes group, he kept inspiring and motivating all the other students
A couple of women Jeff was dating, he has very high standards for himself.

I thought it’s about time for a new amazing success story.

It’s from one of the Superhero transformations that have been produced in the shadows.

His name is Jeff, he’s 50 years old and one of my most dedicated and action taking Asian students.

When Jeff reached out to me for help, he had already worked with an Online Dating Coach before.

And even though he got the best results out of all the clients that coach had (even better ones than the coach himself), he didn’t reach his desired goals.

This is the case for a couple of my students, not everyone starts from rock bottom in their dating life, but men who I work with usually fall into one of three categories:

1️⃣ Men who have zero women in their life, are unwillingly single and frustrated

2️⃣ Men who have dates, but not with the type of woman they wish for

3️⃣ Men who occasionally have dates with women they desire, but want more consistency instead of having to rely on luck or fate

While he wasn’t a total newbie, Jeff was stuck in the 2nd category…

He had gotten over 200 Phone numbers, 100+ Dates and several girlfriends, which is something most men would actually give one of their kidneys for.

However, he wasn’t happy with his dating life because he always had to lower his standards as they were never of his desired type.

His main sticking point was that he came across as too arrogant, serious and tryhard in his profile which is something I often witness in a lot of guys.

They think they must portray themselves as “Alpha“ and end up with serious expressions on every single picture.

The irony is, that’s exactly what makes them become unapproachable and unrelatable for women.

Another big sticking point was the way he carried his conversations…

They were way too rational and led to women almost falling asleep out of boredom.

If you have to know one thing about Online Dating then it’s that you need to give women a roller coaster of emotions, otherwise it will be very hard to almost impossible.

However, those sticking points are nothing we haven’t fixed before, so we worked together to completely transform his dating life and this is what he said:

“I signed up for his program for 3 reasons:

1) I agreed with his opinion and comments

2) Sandric himself is a minority like me

3) I always had decent results, but not the greatest.

After working with Sandric the quality of my matches is amazing. If you’re in my shoes, you must know that matching 9 or 10 girls is a jackpot – it happens, but rarely . With my new profile, I have them often, like every day often.

Before joining Sandric’s program, I have used online dating for 2 years. Honestly, I hardly find anyone doing better than me, including a good number of dating coaches.

Needless to say, it pissed me off when Sandric said my profile wasn’t the best during our first video call.

But I always felt my online dating had one last piece missing. And I saw his opinion posts on FB all the time, so I gave it a shot. It turned out to be the best decision I have ever made.

Well, absolutely not music in my ear to hear his criticism for the first several months. The truth is Sandric has extremely high standards and he doesn’t sugarcoat his feedback.

This is what I’m going to say – yes, it’s a ton of effort; yes, it can even need a good amount of money. But if anyone ever wants to date 9/10 without privilege, or even with disadvantage (such as skin color,) his program is literally the solution.“

We also managed to get Jeff into the most exclusive dating app out there, called “The League“ to quote his words about his back story with that dating app:

“The League was founded to address key requirements from online dating:

1) Real person

2) Physical attraction

3) Successful but busy professional.

They also make it clear about their algorithm:

If you want to maintain a high score in order to see high quality matches, the following actions are required: login, swipe & messaging EVERY DAY. The rule applies to both male & females. It’s considered as one of the exclusive.

I was in the 130.000 place out of 150.000 in my city’s waiting list. People can often wait for months, even for years to be accepted. The League’s waiting is even notorious enough to have a TV/ movie about a girl to celebrate her acceptance. I didn’t really expect too much when I signed up there with my new profile. But The League sent me an email: they reviewed my profile and believed I would bring value for my city – I’m in! 2 days!“

I hope his story inspired you as much as it inspired me.

He had three huge disadvantages:

1️⃣ Being 50 years old, which makes Online Dating way harder than if you’re younger.

2️⃣ Being a minority, Asians are the ones who have it the hardest out of all minorities, especially when it comes to how attractive they’re perceived by White women.

3️⃣ Living in an extremely competitive city like New York where most guys constantly improve their dating profiles

Yet he didn’t let any of this hold him back, he simply made the best out of the cards he had been dealt with.

In fact after he graduated our program I recently asked Jeff again how things are going and you can see his answer in the screenshots I attached to this post.

I really can’t tell you guys how much I love working with students who are action takers, have a winning mindset and do whatever we tell them to do, without coming up with excuses! 🔥



Do You Want To Learn More About Dating Superhero Transformation?

Dating Superhero Transformation is our coaching program, where 100% of our students (who implemented it properly) go on 3+ dates weekly with the women they truly desire and have complete abundance in their dating lives.