Let me be your personal wingman for 12 weeks and I'll transform your dating and love life forever...

This intense, life-changing coaching program will transform you from an online nobody, to having infinite options with the hottest women on Tinder – regardless of your age, looks, or location …

Hey man, it’s Sandric,

Over the last few years I’ve radically transformed the lives of hundreds of men, by getting them ridiculously good at online dating.

I’m talking about guys who went from struggling to get matches and dates on Tinder … to now having options with the most beautiful women in their cities, going on wild adventures, and waking up naked next to girls they’ve only just met …

Not just once, or occasionally … but almost every weekend.

And even though this is “normal” for many of my students now … I’ll be the first to admit: online dating can be difficult.

In fact, it’s never been harder than it is today.

I know that this is 2024, so you probably have TikTok, Netflix, and 25+ other sites open …

Let me get to the point right away.

I would like to have your undivided attention for 2 short minutes because I believe that the next couple of lines can truly change your life.

(And don’t worry, there will be no offer at the end through which I will try to sell you some “pick-up” course.)

So you are here because you either came from an ad, read one of my articles, or heard about Dating Superhero Transformation in any other way.

Either way, you are most probably an action-taker who wants to change his dating life, but has not been able to take it to the exact level where he wants to see it yet.

In case you want to

Then you came to the best place.

Why is online dating so difficult?

If you’ve tried apps like Tinder, you know that getting results with high-value, desirable women does not come easy …

Because attractive women are getting tons of attention from guys every day, and their inboxes get flooded with messages.

On one side the vast majority of these messages are terribly boring and generic … 

… but the fact she receives so much attention, makes it very difficult for you to stand out.

It’s also highly likely that you’re coming across very similar to other guys without even realising it …

… which makes you seem very predictable in her eyes … and turns her off.

In order to get success, you have to learn how to trigger a girl’s interest … and arouse her emotions.

You’ll need to pass her tests … and lead the interaction towards a date, all while overcoming the potential obstacles along the way …

It might sound complicated, and I’m only scratching the surface here, but it all comes down to developing a skillset.

Without this skillset, online dating is actually extremely difficult.

For some, online dating success can seem almost impossible …

On the other hand, if you know what to do, what to say, and how to handle yourself – it all becomes simple, easy and almost automatic.

More importantly: it will be the most fun you’ll ever have.

If you want real success with online dating, you have to understand something very essential:

Most guys are much worse at communicating and presenting themselves online than they actually realize.

And because guys aren’t aware of their mistakes … they just keep repeating them. 

Have you ever experienced this:

If any of that sounds familiar, don’t worry. It can all be a thing of the past.

As long as you’re able to
objectively look at your own results, and admit there could be some fixing to do …

Because if you’re anything like most guys: you’re not getting the results
you could be getting.

What will your future look like?

Ask yourself this: what do you actually want your dating life to look like?

Whatever it is, it’s totally up to you.

Because in the end, all of those goals are equally realistic, and possible through mastering your online dating.

The Power of Online Dating

Today, apps like Tinder have become totally socially acceptable, and mainstream.

They are fast becoming the number one way to make new connections.

Chances are, if she’s single – she has a Tinder account.

This means the opportunities with online dating have never been greater than they are now.

… but it also means your dating, sex and love life might hugely suffer if you ignore your need to get this fixed.

Ignoring this window of opportunity is something you might always regret.

So all that matters, is getting started. And getting this thing handled once and for all … Before it’s too late.

Right now, you still have a head start

As you’re reading this, most guys still completely suck at online dating … which leaves an opportunity for guys like you and me, to jump in and take advantage.

And once you get good at this, online dating is a complete goldmine for sex, fun, adventure, and even long term relationships.

Above everything, we here at Dating Superhero Transformation stand for authenticity. Because of this, we devote our full attention to all of our students and cannot work with everyone, just as not everyone can be let in to Wakanda.

I know that this may sound too good to be true, so let me tell you the stories of 3 men and show you how this is possible:


Kevin Yancey

“Sandric has really broken the gateway for me with online dating … He not only brushed up my photos a bit, but showed me how to convey my life in a way that’s a cool lifestyle.”

My Story

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1. Kevin, The African-American Dark Souls Gamer From The US

Kevin is living in a small town in Wisconsin.

(Wisconsin is the US State that is described as “the worst place to meet women” in the director’s cut of the movie Love Actually – just saying)

Citing Kevin’s own words, he was not 6 feet, good-looking, rich, and he did not even have a lot of hair …

He thought he was destined for mediocre results at best in online dating.

When he came to me, he was drained by going in circles for years.

First, I brushed up his profile and helped him to convey his lifestyle attractively …

(And I mean conveying it 100% authentically, by highlighting his natural strengths – something that all men have)

His dating profile looked like this after that:

Don’t get me wrong, Kevin put in the work.

And we gave him a bit of coaching on texting, talking with women, mindset, and other areas related to dating too.

But right now, online dating is not a time-waster but FUN for him.


Gil Alves

“My profile was completely redone by Sandric and my results skyrocketed in terms of matches, likes, and the way women started conversations with me … Even though I was living in a small city.”

My Story

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2. Gil, Who Did “Everything Right” But Was Still Single & Lonely

Gil from the Netherlands was shy, and even though he got the right looks, he had the issue most men are facing in online dating …

He did not know how to portray the best version of himself and match with the women whom he actually found attractive.

Because of this, he tried to fake being “the alpha” or “James Bond” – something that women cannot stand.

Also, if once in a blue moon he matched with an attractive woman, the conversation died. He did not even get to see her in real life.

I retouched Gil’s pictures, and I and my team coached him on mindset, texting, what to do on the dates, etc.

I just want to give you a hint on what his Tinder looks like right now:


Steven Quintanilla

„For several years, I probably had like 2 dates and those ended up going nowhere. I was struggling to get matches, now I feel like I can go on Tinder and pick and choose who I want to go out with.“

My Story

Play Video

3. Steven, The Always-Friend-Zoned Asian Guy Who Found His Dream Woman

Steven came to me in the middle of the pandemic, when he had no other options than online dating to meet women …

His dating life suffered because of a mistake many guys make … He was always logical and couldn’t tap into his emotional side.

This came across on his Tinder profile too, where he put out pictures that did not show the attractive side of his personality.

Of course, he was not matching with the women he was attracted to.

When he got on a date every once in a while, it didn’t go anywhere.

After we retouched his pictures, he got into conversations again with new momentum.

After 2 weeks, he was getting dates consistently. In a month, he had his first week where he went on a date every single day of the week. Today, Steven is in a long-term relationship with the woman of his dreams. He tried out many different things in dating until he found the perfect match for him.

This is what I think every man should get in their life …

I mean would you settle for anything less than what you desire in such an important area as your dating life?

To tell the truth, settling so is one of my biggest nightmares …

But either way, I hope you could learn something valuable in the last 2 minutes.

And if you’re still here and would like to learn more about how you could easily see these results in your own dating life too, I have an idea for you:

Right below, you can find a quick quiz that takes less than 60 seconds to fill out.

If you’re interested in meeting me personally and discussing how you could achieve the same results as the guys above in your dating life …

Pick a no-strings-attached Online Dating Audit with me.

All we’ll do on the chat is fly over your dating life and Tinder/Bumble profile, and see how you could actually get to abundance with women.

If I think I could help you in the long run, I will let you know, and you can let me know if you want to hear a bit more about it …

But I will make sure that no matter what, you will walk away with at least a couple new ideas.

(You have my HUGE, Mount Everest-sized no “hard-selling” guarantee)

So if you’re interested, fill out the quiz below and I can’t wait to meet you. If you would like to learn more about superhero stories like Kevin’s, Gil’s, and Steven’s, check out all of them in the collection here.

”With great power, comes great responsibility…” Peter Parker knows this, and we at Dating Superhero Transformation know this too. Hence, we only work with men who promise to respect women and give them as much value as possible.

Apply For A Free Dating Profile Analysis

This will help me to prepare for our call and give you a profile analysis that will truly give you clarity on what’s missing from taking your dating life to the next level, so that we can brainstorm the best ideas when we’ll meet.

We have an entire page full of stories about men who were at a similar place like you and who are now having the dating life that they’ve always dreamed of. I really encourage you to read them, as they will not only motivate you but also give you some new ideas that you can implement in your dating life.

3. Get Your Free dating Profile Audit

We will analyze your dating profile and your experiences with women on this no-strings-attached call. Also, I’ll make sure that you walk away with a couple of ideas on how to take things to the next level in your dating life. Again, you have my big bold no-pitch guarantee.

Dating is unlike Thor’s Mjølnir. Not everyone can lift the latter, but every man can get good at the first as long as he has the right intention. So if you’d like to see if Dating Superhero Transformation is for you, hit this button and schedule your Free Dating Profile Audit.

Who am I and why should you listen to me?

My name is Sandric Tchouaffé, people call me an online dating coach.

And while that is true, I prefer to refer to myself as the guy who takes your dating life by the hand and puts it down at the place where you have complete abundance with women.

Over the last few years, I helped hundreds of men to go from mediocre or even worse results to real superheroes in dating.

You know what I mean 😉

From being alone, miserable, frustrated, and desperate …

To waking up naked next to women you’ve just met …

Women who are exactly your type, with a gorgeous body, feminine personality, caring vibe …

You might be wondering how I know all this …

To be frank, I went through hell until I got to the point where I was having the dating life most men only dream about …

Now, you may be curious about how I got there?

Well, I got into the world of “pick-up” at 21 when I was still a virgin and unkissed.

I spent thousands of dollars and years of my life on programs, mentors, clubbing, dates, etc.

I was obsessed with the whole thing.

8 years ago, in Budapest, I went out for 20 days in a row – even though my contact lenses nearly blinded me and women thought I was high on drugs.

Every day, I had to fight racial prejudices that had nothing to do with me as a person but everything with my skin color.

And in addition to all this, I hated the “fakeness” of the pick-up world …

This led me to develop my own style, relying on honesty and authenticity which finally got me amazing results.

Being honest gave a 180° turn to my dating life …

I want to highlight this for you because honesty and authenticity are emphasized so rarely in dating.

No matter how good-looking, rich, famous, or charming you are, if you aren’t honest with the women you date …

And if you don’t give them so much value that they literally need to brag about you to their girlfriends …

Then you will have a much harder time getting the dating life you desire.

But even though I started focusing on honesty & authenticity, I got to abundance with women in an unnecessarily long and hard way, which I do not wish for anyone …

I don’t want any other man to experience all the hardships that I went through …

Today, with the help of dating apps, there is a much simpler way to meet the exact type of women that you’re into.

This is why I created my company, started Dating Superhero Transformation, and have helped hundreds of men to fix probably the most important thing in their life.

There are certain truths that I learned all along the way …

Truths that I have only shared with my students and my best friends so far …

But in 2024, I want to make an even bigger impact than before.

So if you would like to hear more about what I learned throughout the journey …

And receive the last online dating blueprint that you’ll ever need …

Fill out this 2 minutes long quiz and I’ll look forward to meeting you in person …

– Sandric

But even though I started focusing on honesty & authenticity, I got to abundance with women in an unnecessarily long and hard way, which I do not wish for anyone…

I don’t want any other man to experience all the hardships that I went through…

Today, with the help of dating apps, there is a much simpler way to meet the exact type of women that you’re into.

This is why I created my company, started Dating Superhero Transformation, and have helped hundreds of men to fix probably the most important thing in their life.

There are certain truths that I learned all along the way…

Truths that I have only shared with my students and my best friends so far…

But in 2024, I want to make an even bigger impact than before.

So if you would like to hear more about what I learned throughout the journey…

And receive the last online dating blueprint that you’ll ever need…

Fill out this 2 minutes long quiz and I’ll look forward to meeting you in person…

– Sandric

We don’t like to quote Thanos that much since we stand with the heroes, but he’s right when he said that the hardest choices required the strongest wills. Investing in your dating life is not easy, but if you put that on scale with years of struggling like what I had to go through… You can perhaps take the leap of faith easier.

How to get good at online dating

Look, I don’t know you yet, but purely statistically, it’s almost certain that you’re not getting the online dating results you could be getting.

Sure, you can try and get these results by yourself … Yesthat is technically possible.

And I am the last person that will tell you that you cannot achieve something …

But looking at this practically: Why lose weeks, months, or even years (not to mention possible connections …) by suffering through all the typical mistakes … ?

… and why risk not achieving your dream life at all … ?

… if you can get the results in weeks or even days?

For example this guy.

He didn’t even finish the program yet and already needs a new schedule just for dates because he got 6 dates lined up with beautiful women.

So let me ask you this:

What if you had the worlds #1 online dating expert as your personal wingman …?

What if he could tell you what to do … and what to say … every step of the way?

What if he would give you a proven system that has worked for hundreds, if not thousands of guys … while installing his skillset into your brainpermanently?

What if he would keep you accountable as you master this – so you actually succeed in this obstacle-filled journey?

What if you could get infected by his fun vibe … the thing that makes women addicted to him … and make that uniquely yours?,

… and what if you could get years of wisdom and experience in only a few weeks?

Because THAT is what I’m offering you:

Dating Superhero Transformation

Dating Superhero Transformation is the most fun, effective, and all-encompassing Online Dating transformation program the world has ever seen.

It’s a 12-weeks program, in which you will be taken under my wing … and learn everything I know about getting the hottest women on Tinder, Bumble, Hinge, Raya & Co.

It doesn’t just help you to overcome the blind-spots and self-defeating tendencies that are holding you back from achieving your dream life …

… but also helps you engrain new attractive habits like confidence, playfulness, and depth to your personality.

You can only get those things through focussed external help, not just by buying a product or course …

The true value of my mentoring program lies within you being able to learn in “real time” by reflecting on your unique specific issues.

The program is the only thing you need to get this Tinder thing handled, and get the skills no other guy can compete with …

My mentoring program is so damn effective, I guarantee results.

What do you get in Dating Superhero Transformation?

Dating Superhero Transformation consists of three individual pillars:

1. The Dating Superhero System – An exclusive training program based on 6 modules including videos, PDF’s and examples of everything you possibly need to know to completely master your online dating.

2. The Superhero Calls: 2 Video Calls per week, for 12+ weeks. Get guided by the Superhero coach himself, through a complete dating transformation.

3. The Online Dating Superheroes Group – A secret, private group of likeminded brothers to support you through this journey. An additional place to get daily and instant feedback on posts from our coaches.

The Black
Panther Formula

Discover how to build an attractive, high value profile that attracts only the hottest women.

The Celebrity

Develop the right mindset needed to become successful with the women you desire in your life.

Breathtaking conversations

Understand how to text in an honest and authentic way, without using copy paste messages.

Go on exciting
dream dates

Learn how to have amazing and fun first dates that end in sleepovers at your or her place.

Become a
Fashion God

Receive fashion advice tailored to your individual skin type, personality and physique.

The Superhero

Join the weekly calls and get feedback on your textgame, dates and most importantly: your mindset.

Online Dating
Superheroes Tribe

Gain lifetime access to a tribe of superheroes and be guided through your online dating journey.

Texting Immersion Telegram group

Send us screenshots of texts from women you’re struggling with and be guided to come up with your own replies.

Click on the link below, for a fully detailed explanation of Dating Superhero Transformation

Is Dating Superhero Transformation the right thing for you?

My students are from all walks of life.

Some of my most successful students look like male models, have fancy cars and high paying jobs …

While other equally successful students are self-proclaimed “ugly guys” that work as clerks … dishwashers … or working part-time while studying.

It simply makes no difference in their results.

No, I’m not claiming you will get every girl to respond to you … That’s just not how it works.

But I am saying that if you follow my system, roughly the same amount of hot women will want to meet up with you, regardless of your looks, or how much money you have …

… As long as you do everything I teach you, and stick to the success principles.

And it will be more women than you could possibly handle, rest assured.

Dating Superhero Transformation is suitable for you if ...

Dating Superhero Transformation is not suitable for you if ...

If you identify with the green checkmarks, let’s get you rock-solid results and make 2024 your year! 🔥

Fact: Dating Superhero Transformation is NOT for everyone

Despite my Mentoring Program delivering virtually guaranteed results for everyone that applies my system, it is not for everyone.

In order to qualify for the program, you have to want it. And I don’t just mean wanting success, but I mean you have to be willing to do the work.

You will need to do things you’ve never done before, and say things that might feel counterintuitive at first.

If you’re not willing to make the necessary changes, or do what needs to be done, then this program is just not for you.

But if you’re willing to put in the work. I can help you. And I look forward to welcoming you to the program.

Most likely it won’t even take you 12 weeks to see results … You’ll start getting killer results in the first week already, as you’ll implement my proven lines and tactics right away.

The big results will start showing during the course of the program.

… You can then use the remaining time to fully master your skillset, have fun with all your new dates, and make your new lifestyle permanent.

Unfortunately, we cannot work with everyone - we are superheroes in terms of dating, but cannot alter time like Dr. Strange. Therefore, if you’d like to work with us, book a slot now, and see if it’s a fit.

What's the true value of mentorship in online dating?

A lot of men have asked for my opinion on getting mentorship in terms of dating …

So let me share it with you as well.

Unless you want to end up alone in life or even worse, spend decades with someone whom you aren’t attracted to you need to figure out dating.

And this is true no matter how good looking you are or how much money you make, no matter how famous you are or how high your status is.

(Just think of the recent celebrity scandals of Johnny Depp and Will Smith).

As I see it, you have 2 options as a man in 2024 when it comes to your dating life:

Option A:

You try to get good at dating by yourself, through trial and error.

Basically, this was me at the beginning …

I wasted years of my life trying to figure it out on my own.

Surprisingly, I had to go through hell.

Thousands of rejections, even more embarrassing experiences (e.g. women thinking that I’m a stalker, getting kicked out of nightclubs, etc.)

It was tough, and I don’t want any man to go through what I had to.

And it’s not only me …

To give you a hint, out of the hundreds of guys whom I’ve seen to achieve massive success in their dating lives …

Probably 1 or 2 got there by themselves.

This is significantly less than 1%.

I mean, to give you a hint of how shockingly small that number is, think about if you’d start a business in which you have 1% chance of making a profit …

Or if you’d learn a sport if you only had 1% chance to enjoy it?

You probably wouldn’t.

And you’re taking the same risk in your dating life if you aren’t going on 3-4 dates/week with the women that you truly desire already.

Now, most people believe that health, finances, and relationships are the 3 most important areas in life.

Do you really want to leave one of them to chance?

Personally, I wouldn’t, this is why I always recommend Option B.

Option B:

You can shorten the learning curve by decades, save yourself thousands of dollars thrown out on dates gone wrong or mentoring programs that get you no results …

And take advantage of the expertise of someone who has already paved the way for you.

To give you more context …

Imagine having the women who are exactly your type only a swipe away, knowing what exactly to text her once she responded and how to specifically get her on a date in the nearest bar or even at your place …

Sounds good, doesn’t it?

Again, getting here on your own would probably take you decades but it’s even more likely that you wouldn’t succeed.

However, by investing in the right mentoring program, this is only weeks away from you.

To sum up, you can take a shortcut.

But let me emphasize, only if you invest in the right mentors.

Now, I’m not saying that Dating Superhero Transformation is the only great dating program out there, but …

As far as I know, we are the only ones who have a 100% success rate.

Let’s take a look at my favorite analogy again:

Anyone can get lucky and catch the goldfish every once in a while.

But only a good fisherman can consistently get abundance of fish.

And if you don’t want to be the fisherman who’s still wondering why he can’t catch a single fish after years of figuring it out, then most likely you’ll go to someone who can teach you how to fish.

And you don’t just go to anyone … But to that person who can teach how to catch the fish that you truly want.

Or you can take the personal trainer example.

There are two ways how you can get into shape:

Choice A:

Try it out on your own and spend years not gaining/losing any weight.

(Hint: You might even put your health at risk.)

Choice B:

Get a personal trainer who “has been there ‘n done that”, and who shows you specifically how to get your dream physique.

This is what Dating Superhero Transformation will do to your dating life.

Or let me give you one last example …

Some men do not want to get help with their dating lives because they were born men.

This is one of the worst reasons that I’ve ever heard, and I’ll show you why:

Think of a therapist or a psychologist.

If they are in trouble, they need to get help too because they cannot cure themselves.

Regardless of the fact that they are a therapist or psychologist.

And the same thing should go for men who don’t have the exact dating life that they want.

So the only question that I have in the end is this …

Why is it that so many men still don’t get help with their dating life … ?

Your success guaranteed!

If you implement everything we teach you in the “Dating Superhero Transformation“ and don’t get at least 10 dates with your exact type of woman in the next 60 days …

I’ll coach you for free until you do.

– Sandric

Emblem Your Success

I’m so confident I can get you the results you want, that I am giving you my 60-day, success guarantee.

Frequently Asked Questions​

Dating Superhero Transformation is not cheap. If you’re looking to price shop we are probably not the best fit for you because there are plenty of other more affordable dating courses out there. The investment for Dating Superhero Transformation reflects the value and results that we deliver for our clients. To learn more apply for a call to see if it’s a win-win for us to work together.


In case you would like to see more proof than what you can find on this page, check out the Hall of Fame.

It will show you the kind of matches our students are getting.

Also, I believe that dating apps are not only a good way to meet women …

They are the BEST way through which you can meet jaw-dropping women in 2024.

(more in the next answer why)

Consider this …

You can go out and spend 7 nights/week in nightclubs like I did …

Or you can waste hours upon hours on approaching women in the streets …

(And we haven’t even considered the thousands of dollars you spend on “bootcamps” and “immersion programs” where they teach you how to do “daygame” and “nightgame”.)

Or you can have a dating profile that’s bringing you the women that you are naturally attracted to on autopilot …

Meaning that you don’t need to change your lifestyle to get good results in dating, but focus on your dating life when you have the time and energy for it.

Yes, there is!

We are serious about getting you results and we are happy only when our students are happy!

Also, I think it is only fair if we have our skin in the game as well.

Therefore, you have our massive 100% Success Guarantee.

In other words, this means that if you don’t get results within 60 days after we set up your profile, we continue working with you for free until you start matching with the exact women you want to have in your life.

At Dating Superhero Transformation, we have a 100% success rate with the people who put into practice what we tell them to do AND are using their dating profiles for the right purpose.

(Giving value to women instead of playing with them or exploiting them.)

Here’s why …

First, my methodology for creating your dating profile (pictures, bio, attraction triggers, etc.) has proven to be effective for hundreds of men from all walks of life.

There hasn’t been a single one of them whose profile I created and the quality/quantity of their matches did not increase significantly.

Second, I approach the whole program considering your lifestyle, ethnicity, goals and personality.

Every person has their own story, struggles, personality, upbringing, and of course, ethnic identity.

You can buy a suit at a clothing store like Zara and it will look good.

But if you bring it to the tailor and let him adjust it to your physique it will look absolutely amazing.

This is the same for online dating …

And this is how you can imagine what it is like to work with me.

And third, all other aspects of the program (texting, fashion, dating advice, etc.) are built on skills that any man can learn, no matter how tall, wealthy, or attractive he is.


Above on this page and on the testimonial page you can see quite a few case studies from our students …

Some of them have better looks, others weren’t born models.

But there is one thing in common in all of them: they all got the exact dating life that they’ve always wanted.

Even if you don’t have the looks of Brad Pitt, I will create a dating profile for you that will portray you in an attractive way, fully authentically.

By this I mean that your profile will bring you the matches that you want without setting misaligned expectations.

The women you match with will be excited to meet you – and they will remain excited after they see you in person.

I’ll be honest, with the right guidance all men can master texting.

However, even with our help, for most of them, it takes a couple of months until they get to the point where they know what specifically to text their matches.

This is why I created the Texting Immersion Telegram Group for our students.

We will get you your first three dates by telling you what specifically to text to your matches.

After that, my coaches and I will keep giving you advice on how to start, respond to conversations, and how to ask out the women that you are matching with.

To give you a hint of how effective the Texting Immersion Telegram Group is …

Within the first 24 hours when we tested it out, even those of our students who were not so good at texting achieved breakthroughs.

To give you a taste through the fisherman analogy …

For as long as you need it (usually for the first 3 dates), we will hold the fishing rod for you.

As you grow more confident, we will step away and only give you advice by sitting beside you in the boat.

Now that you spent more time reading than for how long Captain America was frozen in ice, I have one last thing to say: “Heroes are made by the path they choose, not the powers they are graced with” - Tony Stark. You have the option to take control over your dating life today. But you need to take the step and schedule your free profile audit to take things from there.